Shortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Mac

Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard.. Clear the check box for the keyboard shortcut that you want to use Shortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Full Screen ViewWork in windows and dialogs To do this Press Expand or minimize the ribbon OPTION R Switch to full screen view CONTROL F Switch to the next application TAB Switch to the previous application SHIFT TAB Close the active workbook window W Copy the image of the screen and save it to a Screen Shot file on your desktop.. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to quickly complete commands and functions without using a mouse.

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  3. shortcut key for top and bottom border in excel

If you dont want to press the FN key each time, you can change your Apple system preferences: Change function key preferences with the mouse On the Apple menu, press System Preferences.

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To use the function key for other purposes, you have to press Fnthe function key.

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For quick access to these shortcuts, you can change your Apple system preferences so you dont have to press the FN key every time you use a function key shortcut NOTE: Changing system function key preferences affects how the function keys work for your Mac, not just Excel.. Change system preferences for keyboard shortcuts with the mouse On the Apple menu, press System Preferences.. Shortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Mac To DoShortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Mac OS Or SeeShortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Full Screen ViewShortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Mac To DoIf you have to press one key immediately after another, the keys are separated by a comma (,).. Shortcut For Bottom Border In Excel On Mac OS Or SeeFor information about changing the key assignment of a keyboard shortcut, see Mac Help for your version of the Mac OS or see your utility application.. You must select the row starting with the active cell CONTROL Select only cells that are directly referred to by formulas in the selection CONTROL SHIFT Select all cells that are directly or indirectly referred to by formulas in the selection CONTROL SHIFT Select only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell CONTROL Select all cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to the active cell CONTROL SHIFT Work with a selection To do this Press Copy C or CONTROL V Paste V or CONTROL V Cut X or CONTROL X Clear DELETE Delete the selection CONTROL HYPHEN Undo the last action Z Hide a column ) or CONTROL ) Unhide a column SHIFT ) or CONTROL SHIFT ) Hide a row ( or CONTROL ( Unhide a row SHIFT ( or CONTROL SHIFT ( Move from top to bottom within the selection (down) RETURN Move from bottom to top within the selection (up) SHIFT RETURN Move from left to right within the selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected TAB Move from right to left within the selection, or move up one cell if only one column is selected SHIFT TAB Move clockwise to the next corner of the selection CONTROL PERIOD Group selected cells SHIFT K Ungroup selected cells SHIFT J These shortcuts may move in another direction other than down or up.

shortcut key for top and bottom border in excel

Many of the shortcuts that use the Ctrl key on a Windows keyboard also work with the Control key in Excel 2016 for Mac.. The following table provides the function key shortcuts for Excel 2016 for Mac To do this Press Display the Help window F1 Edit the selected cell F2 Insert or edit a cell comment SHIFT F2 Open the Save dialog OPTION F2 Open the Formula Builder SHIFT F3 Open the Define Name dialog F3 Close F4 Display the Go To dialog F5 Display the Find dialog SHIFT F5 Move to the Search Sheet dialog CONTROL F5 Check spelling F7 Open the thesaurus SHIFT F7 or CONTROL OPTION R Extend the selection F8 Add to the selection SHIFT F8 Display the Macro dialog OPTION F8 Calculate all open workbooks F9 Calculate the active sheet SHIFT F9 Minimize the active window CONTROL F9 Display a contextual menu, or right click menu SHIFT F10 Maximize or restore the active window CONTROL F10 or F10 Insert a new chart sheet F11 Insert a new sheet SHIFT F11 Insert an Excel 4.. To use these shortcuts, you may have to change your Mac keyboard settings to change the Show Desktop shortcut for the key.. For example, to use the F12 key to change your volume, you would press FNF12 If a function key doesnt work as you expect it to, press the FN key in addition to the function key.. SHIFT 3 Minimize the active window CONTROL F9 Maximize or restore the active window CONTROL F10 or F10 Hide Excel.. Shortcut conflicts Some Windows keyboard shortcuts conflict with the corresponding default Mac OS keyboard shortcuts.. 0 macro sheet F11 Open Visual Basic OPTION F11 Display the Save As dialog F12 Display the Open dialog F12 For more information, please visit the Excel help center.. If youd like to change the direction of these shortcuts using the mouse, on the Excel menu, click Preferences, click Edit, and then, under. 5ebbf469cd